Focus on real-world users with our

User Persona Template

diverse group of users holding photo frames over faces

A different kind of Template

More than a static persona template, Userforge helps you take action.


Outline your story

Unpack what you already know about your organization or business in a few minutes.


AI adds research

Take the drudgery out of initial persona creation with our AI research  engine.


Edit your personas

Use our battle-tested easy-to-use editor and image tools to add your own insights + touches.

A Template with a purpose

Your launchpad for user-aligned sales and innovation

Each section in our default persona template is research-driven and refined by the success of thousands of our own users to help you dive in and succeed, quicklly.

  • Our research shows that user pain points are the biggest keystone to unlocking insights toward alignment and impact.
  • User goals are a close second -- the high-level outcomes every persona segment has in mind when they engage with you.
  • Our persona template is rounded out and nuanced by  motivators, frustrations, values, habits to paint a full and relatable picture.
  • But... our default content sections are just a solid baseline- we encourage you customize a boilerplate that meets your team's specific needs.
User persona example screenshot - Sandra CMO / Marketing Lead, quote, goals...

Build better Products + Services

How our templates + mapping tools help

Agile teams often struggle with overwhelm and grapple with narrow scope visiblity, working on individual  features without syncing to the broader context.

At the idea stage, team prospects ride high, but as production moves along, the who and why inevitably get downplayed in the weeds of what, when, and how.

As this project "entropy" eats away at user connection,  disjointed solutions take shape -- disconnected from user needs and a pale reflection of the original strategy and goals.

Userforge helps by keeping your team aligned  to that original, user-inspired path. Our tools connect the who, what, and where of your digital project in a unique visual map and reference system -- all built off the effective user personas you'll generate using our template.

Try the user persona template

Create realistic personas

Combine your insights with our AI + your user's feedback (coming soon) for accurate and compelling profiles.


Catalogue user stories

Define the "What" of your mission at an atomic level with industry standard user stories that describe every user action.


Map actions in context

Layer in the "Where" with a global context map of locations where every user action/story takes place.  

UX workshop with facilitator and stakeholders sitting in chairs

What makes us different?

Is our persona template right for you?

Many online persona templates offer one-off downloadable MS Word templates, or worse -- their ads feel like cheap attempts to capitalize on your interest in personas to onboard you into a generic design or collaboration platform. 

We think these template-only and generic solutions are too limiting.  By offering sharable cloud workspaces dedicated to user personas, ux research, and connected tools, we're offering a better path toward long term user-aligned success.

Design matters (a lot), but focusing on form over function can become a distraction. 

Our persona template strikes a pragmatic (but we think, beautiful) balance between clean design and highly digestable content. 

There are "flashier" templates out there, but ours is designed to keep focus on your users and drive real impact for your organization.

We get it -- every team has its politics - that's part of what makes humans interesting, but our tools work best when shared, so we hope you're planning to involve your team and grow together.

Don't get us wrong here - we love solo practitioners too, but any project worth doing has stakeholders, and involving your co-workers (or clients, if you're a freelancer) is where the real magic gets unlocked with Userforge.

Join over 70,000 innovators and try our free persona template today!